
June 3, 2009

CatDogDoes anybody remember a Nickelodeon cartoon called CatDog? Yeah, us neither. Sounds pretty stupid, but the Sis mentioned it after she said that we are Cat dogs, and her new kitten (yes, really) is a Dog cat. Whatever that means. We are dogs. Just because her kitten is more playful and cuddly and plays fetch does not make us less of a dog! What is wrong with being an independent self sufficient pup? We deign to give the humans our royal presence and they want us to come when called. Humans are weird.

So the kitten. Yes. Well, as you may or may not know, the Sis lives most of the time in Pittsburgh now with her fiance and she works there. She is not allowed to have dogs in her apartment (even Cat dogs apparently). She comes home to see us a lot, and spoils us and takes us on long walks when she is here, and always brings treats, so it’s not too bad. The Sis has been volunteering at the Human Society walking dogs, and somehow she took a kitten home from there! What?! Well, I guess that makes us step brothers or half brothers or something, so we’ll put the link to his new blog. He is not bad, he is still a baby, so we’ll give him a chance. His blog is

Our "brother" Marko

Our "brother" Marko

International Blog Tag

May 28, 2009


1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Copy the image, rules and questionnaire
3. Post in your blog.
4. Answer the four questions.
5. Pick SEVEN friends to share with.
6. Come back to BLoGGiSTaiNFoCoRNeR at and leave the URL of your post in order for your blog to be added to the master list.
7. Have fun.


Questions and Answers:

1. The person who tagged you?
Mika and Nami!

2. His or her site title and URL?

3.Date you were tagged?
21 May 2009

4. Persons you tag?

Rudolf & Goofy

Dakotah & Maika





Comet & Blu

Regarding the couch

March 9, 2009

Shiro would like to announce that he did not chew a whole in the arm of the new couch and start pulling the stuffing out. Thanks for your attention.

Our New Couch

March 7, 2009

We got a brand new couch of our very own. The old one was fallen apart (not ripped or bitten apart as some have suggested). The new one matches the leather couches but is fake leather from Big Lots. It is very comfy. The old one had springs poking up. We’ll let you know how we sleep tonight!

well it’s for a good cause, we guess…


  • Name: Bandita
  • Sex: spayed female
  • Breed: collie/german shepard mix
  • Age: about 9 yrs old.
  • Weight: 46lbs


  • Name: Duke
  • Sex: Neutered Male
  • Breed: Akita/Pit Bull Mix
  • Age: 1 yr, 7 mos
  • Weight: 74 lbs


Animals for Adoption

February 23, 2009

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. - Gandhi

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. - Gandhi

Meet Duke

Meet Duke

Our Sis, being the animal lover that she is, is volunteering at the Humane Society in Pittsburgh to walk dogs. We wish she were walking us, but if she can’t be, we are happy to share her with dogs in need. She was really sad when she was reading the papers of a dog named Duke because under reason for surrender, it said that Duke’s family had gotten a new pet and the new pet didn’t get along with Duke! What? Throw out the old when you get a new? The new dog better watch out if the family gets tired of him too. Now, we don’t know all the circumstances, so perhaps we are being harsh, but it just made us sad too. Duke is kind of a cousin to us because he is part Akita, the big brother dog of the Shiba Inu. He’s also part Pit Bull, is brindled in color, and is just over a year old. If you’re in the PGH area, and are looking for an awesome dog, go visit Duke. You can read more about Duke and the Sis’s experiences at the Humane Society at her blog.

Lots of Luv,

Akira and Shrio

Steelers Dogs

February 3, 2009

We have a crush on Big Beyonce!


January 28, 2009

shiba-inushiro-no-kachiand last but not least


made with

Snow Dogs

January 14, 2009

We Love to play in the snow!!! Even better to play in the snow with the Sis. We wrestled with and chased her and she chased us. And Shiro caught a gray mole but it escaped and Sis gave us cheese to come inside and warm up for which we used the blanket.

Feline Deceipt

December 5, 2008

We found THIS on the Sis’s cell phone camera….to paraphrase Tanner and Joey, WTF???