How I Love my Kong

August 21, 2008

Here’s our contest entry for Hot Diggity Dog!My firstest kong
when i was small
love it when they’d fill it full
with carrots and apple
my favorite filling, nothing better
was my p-butter.
Time passed and I’ve destroyed a wubba
but of my kong there’s no other!

LOL Dog Caption Contest

January 5, 2008

We were introduced to a webpage called Notice the second word of the domain name…cats….yes we were reluctant for this reason, but we were assured it would be worth it. So we went, and as much as we still want to chase and eat cats, we still must admit these photos with captions were pretty humorous and clever. So we started thinking we might have some photos suitable for such play. And so it is that we announce the First Annual LOL Akira and Shiro Caption Contest. Here are the rules: There are three pictures of each of us. A semi- finalist will be chosen from the best caption for each picture, and then the three semi-finalists for each of us will go head to head to have one Akira-pic Grandprize Winner and one Shiro-pic Grandprize winner. The judges will be us, the Sis, ad a panel made up of our friends Crys and Mark, who are PCC certified–that’s puppy cuteness certification– and the winners will receive a copy of the picture with their winning caption, perhaps pawtographed by ourselves. Well Shiro hates having his paws touched, so the ink thing might be difficult for him, but at least a nose print. Mom says he’s good at making dirty nose prints on the windows! Please submit your idea for caption, either in our blog comments or to our pee-mailSo. Without further ado. The pictures…..Akira #1^^

Akira #2^^

Akira #3^^

Shiro #1^^

Shiro #2^^
Shiro #3^^

Vote Akira and Shiro!

January 2, 2007

We are entered in the “Cutest Dog” contest at Purina’s Dog Show USA. We are competing against some tuff competition, including each other, so please follow these links to vote for us!


Akira & Shiro

This is actually for Thursday (Butchy and Snickers were for Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively). *Drum Roll Please*

The Holiday Spirit Dog of the Day, Number 8, Award goes to………………..


M.J. is really getting into the Holiday Spirit this year! She has spent time romping in the snow, helping her Dad set up a winter village (complete with dog treat in case the villagers get hungry), and dressing up as Mrs. Santa Paws to visit Santa Paws, himself!
M.J. is a nearly six-year-old Pitbull cross, who lives with her mom and dad and human brother and crabby feline sister (aged 19). Make sure to check out M.J.’s House of Slobber, her wonderful bloggy that always has grrreat pictures!

Sorry for the delay, as everydog knows, some technical difficulties have been occuring with the bloggy!

Without further ado, however, we would like to announce the next recipients of “Holiday Spirit Dog of the Day”! Presenting….Butchy and Snickers! These two Wire Fox Terriers are looking especially festive in their Holiday outfits specially made by their Mama! Their Mom even has her own business making doggy clothes, and she is very talented. Just look how fancy Snickers’ Pawty Dress is! The dog clothes site is:
Here are some factoids on these two “Wild and Woolly WTFs”:

Hometown: Janesville, Iowa
Birthdays: Butchy: Oct. 5, 2000/ Snickers: July 20, 2002

Congrats, Butchy and Snickers!! Well deserved!

Bloggy Error

December 20, 2006

Hi all! We wanted to add a Holiday Spirit Dog of the Day today, but we can’t get a hold of most of our nominees! We can’t see the visual verification letters to leave comments on blogs. So, if you’re name is on this (or you would like to be nominated for our consideration), send us a message!

We are nominating: Zach, Blu & Comet, and Butchy & Snickers (when their outfits are completed!). We also tried to leave a message with Ender about WoW (our human brother does that, too!). Finally, we are waiting for e-mailed pictures from our dogster pal Jay-Jay, who will also be featured as “HSDotD”

Thank you for your patience,


(here’s another one of the shiba-vodka advertisements! all we can say is, that snow sure looks nice, but isn’t that lady in the dress cold? she doesn’t have our thick fur coat!)

This post catches us up for there to actually be a dog each day! The Holiday Spirit Dog of the Day for today (18 December 2006) is…..drumroll please…… MISS SUNSHADE!!!

Miss Sunshade just oozes with Holiday Spirit, even tolerating her human dressing her up. But she does look cute, so it isn’t all humiliating! Miss Sunshade is a 7-yr-old Airedale Terrier living in Vancouver, B.C., Canada!
Miss Sunshade is a very intelligent dog, who always does what is best for her, like eating her veggies, riding safely in her SunshadeMobile, and never going with strangers! For more of her exploits, check out Life of Miss Sunshade!
We leave you with more pics:

Wet licks,
Akira and Shiro

These two awesome dogs have to share a post, but they’re used to sharing most things by now… food, toys, their humans attention. The Holiday Spirit Dog of the Day: Numbers 4 and 5 are Yoshi and Tsuki, the Shiba Inu!! And no, we are not telling which one is number 4 and which one is number 5. It doesn’t matter anyways, every number is equally important!

Anyways, Yoshi and Tsuki are two great Shiba Inu dogs who share updates, product reviews, pictures, and more over on their blog.

Some facts:

  • B-Days: Yoshi- Feb. 9, 2003 Tsuki-May 2, 2004
  • Breed: Shiba Inu
  • Breeder: River Wind Shibas, Maryland
  • Goal: Shiba World Domination

Some more Holiday Spirit:

( Christmas 2004)

Congrats again to our pals, Yoshi and Tsuki!

~Akira and Shiro

BOO is our Holiday Spirit Dog of the Day #3!!! Congratulations Boo, well deserved! Boo is a Shih Tzu who lives in Malaysia. He is one of the cutests doggies we know, even when he makes his doofus face. See our blog archives for a slideshow of some of his Glamour shots! Boo is celebrating Christmas with his very own tree (although he would prefer it have real snow on it), and by sending cards to all his friends! Boo is a real charmer with the lady dogs, although even he admits he has a bit of competition in Simba boy…
Boo’s birthday is February 23rd. He will be 1-year-old this coming Spring (2007). Boo was named after Jake Gylenhaal’s puggle, Boo, who, while admitedly cute, is nowhere near as cute as Shih Tzu Boo! After all, it isn’t puggle Boo who is Mr. February on the Dogs With Blogs Calendar #2, now is it???
Congrats again, Boo!

Everyone visit Boo’s Diary!

Akira & Shiro

*our apologies for being late, two of our human grandparents are ill

Congratulations to our Holiday Spirit Dog of the Day #2: Joe Stains!! Joey is a Boston Terrier who lives with his “doofus” little brother, Tanner. Joe deserves special mention because he has so much holiday spirit he was even willing to give away young Tanner as a gift! Here he is preparing the box to ship Tanner in:

Joey is such a giver, but he managed to think of three things he might like to receive this Christmas. The top three things on his Wish List are:

1. Doofus out of my house
2. An electric blanket
3. the most gigantic block of cheese you have ever seen in your life

Congrats again, Joe Stains! Visit his blog: